
Splitboard Boots: Soft or Hard? SENDY can help you choose.





Splitboard Boots: Soft or Hard? SENDY can help you choose.

Splitboard Boots: Soft or Hard

When deciding between soft and hard boots for splitboarding, it's essential to understand the differences in performance, comfort, and versatility each type offers. 

Here's a breakdown to help you make an informed choice:

Soft Boots


Comfort and Flexibility: soft boots are generally more comfortable right out of the box. They offer greater flexibility, making them easier to walk in and more comfortable for long tours. They provide a snowboard-like feel, which is beneficial for those who prefer a more traditional snowboarding experience.

Ease of Use: they’re easier to put on and take off compared to hard boots, and they’re typically lighter than hard boots, which can reduce fatigue during long ascents.

Versatility: soft boots are more suitable for riders who transition between resort riding and backcountry touring, and they’re compatible with standard snowboard bindings, which can be advantageous if you switch between splitboarding and regular snowboarding.

Support and Performance: these are less supportive than hard boots, which can affect performance on steeper, more technical terrain. With reduced energy transfer compared to hard boots, it makes them less efficient for aggressive riding.

Durability: soft boots are generally less durable in harsh conditions compared to hard boots.

Hard Boots


Performance and Support: hard boots offer superior support and stiffness, which enhances control and performance on steep and technical terrain. Better energy transfer from rider to board, improves efficiency and responsiveness.

Durability: typically more durable and robust, they’re designed to withstand harsh backcountry conditions.

Compatibility with Crampons: hard boots often work better with crampons, essential for icy and challenging ascents.


Comfort and Flexibility: they can be less comfortable, especially during the break-in period. Less flexibility can make them more challenging to walk in and less comfortable for long tours.

Weight: generally heavier than soft boots, this can contribute to fatigue over long distances.

Specialized Gear: they require specific bindings designed for hard boots, which can add to the overall cost and complexity of your setup.

Making the Choice

Choose Soft Boots if you...

prioritize comfort and flexibility

prefer a snowboard-like feel

ride both resorts and backcountry & want versatile gear

are new to splitboarding and looking for an easier transition from traditional snowboarding

Choose Hard Boots if you...

ride in steep, technical terrain and need maximum support and performance

are looking for enhanced durability and longevity

often encounter icy conditions requiring crampon use

prioritize efficiency and energy transfer in your riding

Choosing between soft and hard splitboard boots will ultimately come down to your riding style, terrain preferences, and personal comfort. Soft boots offer greater comfort and versatility, making them ideal for riders who want a balance between resort and backcountry use. Hard boots provide superior performance and support, making them the go-to choice for aggressive, technical riding in challenging conditions. Try them both to find the best fit for your splitboarding adventures. Ride on!

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